Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Think I'm Happy

I think I'm happy at the moment. I met someone that makes my heart sing. I wasn't sure in the beginning if I would allow myself to feel this way. I'm so glad I did. All of this has been easier than I thought. I just had to let go and follow my heart. That was a tremendous thing for me to embrace but I did it. Yes, I still love my past love, but I can't hang onto that forever. I know that she would be happy that I've let someone else in. For the first time in forever I don't feel like I'm cheating. That was a major issue since she left me. This guilt that consumed me every time I started to get close to someone else. Now I feel free from that guilt. I feel free to say I love you to someone. I feel free to touch and be close. I'm living in the now not the past anymore. There wasn't really anything to fear. I'm so very happy I know that now.