Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lauren Zizes

So I'm totally obsessed with Glee. I have too much time on my hands and it is what is consuming it. I've found myself bothered lately by the plot line of Puck and Lauren. I don't get it. I don't know if I just don't like Lauren or if I just don't like them together or if I'm really shitty and have an issue with her looks. I think I'm going to try and explain each option and see if any really make sense.

The first option is I just don't like Lauren. I am a huge Santana fan and I really don't like her being upset. I really don't like the fact that Lauren basically beat the shit out of her and no one cared at all. I understand that she instigated the fight but seriously? Santana is a mouthy tiny woman. Seriously, she is probably my height and probably 110 pounds. That is tiny! Lauren is probably three times her size. Height and weight are a big difference between the two. I don't like the idea of such an unfair fight being drawn out without consequence. Seriously, nothing happened to the girls?! Shouldn't they be suspended or something? That beat down should have sent Santana to the hospital! I also didn't like that she was the one that really got the hate on San ball rolling during SLS when she called her a bitch. It pissed me off! Like I said earlier, I'm a Sanfanta and I don't like people who hurt her!!

The second option is that I don't like Puck and Lauren together. I don't get Puck's logic that her needs someone as badass as himself and that Lauren is the only one to fit that. Santana has been nothing but badass the entire run of the show with the exception of BIOTA. Of course, I don't hold crying hysterical drunk against anyone which means she is always badass! Even the fight with Lauren showed Santana to be a badass. That was a fight that she could never win but she didn't give up or back down. She fought to the end and even after she was defeated she still kept fighting. I'm sorry, but San is BADASS!! It is the most consistent aspect of her personality. If badass is Puck reasoning for Lauren then he's a blind idiot because he already had that. Ugh!

The third option is the one that makes me feel like shit. The first two options are story related. I feel those things because of Santana, Puck and Lauren. The third option means I have some issue with Ashley Fink. I don't really think I have an issue with her. I watch shows that are scripted to get lost in the glamour and magic of stunning people. Ashley is not stunning. She's really normal looking and it's really hard for me to accept that. The cast of glee is filled with stunning people. Naya is stunningly beautiful. Mark is gorgeous. HeMo, Lea, Dianna are all stunning. Jenna has an infectious beauty. Amber is beautiful. All of the guys are beyond hot. The cast oozes beauty and glamour. Ashley looks like someone I could know. Lets face life here. Hot dudes get hot chicks. Hot chicks get hot dudes or not hot dudes. Not hot chicks tend to get not hot guys that are dicks. It's sort of how it works especially in high school. I know love is supposed to be blind but 16 and 17 year olds are not that enlightened. Forcing me to accept that Puck of all characters would be the one to see beyond the surface is nearly impossible. It really makes me feel like an ass to think that I don't like them together because I don't think she is hot enough but it is one of the truths. I want hot with hot with hot when I watch scripted shows. I watch reality tv if I want to see normal folks. Maybe I'm bitter that in the real world I'm not going to get the stunning person to fall for me and I'm probably closer to hot than Lauren. It kind of sucks to feel average and know that the stunning isn't going to look your way. Who knows, maybe that is what this storyline is supposed to be about. Maybe it is trying to help me believe that I would have a chance with a Mark or a Naya. Beauty fades and all that is left is what is in the inside but generally you don't get a chance to meet the inside because the outside is the attraction.

I think I'm an ass...