Thursday, August 27, 2009

An Answer to a Question

Tonight at the show I'm in I was asked to share a story about my love life. It ended up being kind of a depressing question. I was forced to go with the answer of I don't really have any good stories. How sad is that? In all honesty I don't have much of a love life. I'm a really picky person. Of course I've been in love, but there really aren't any stories. I've said in the past that I've been in love four times. That seems pretty good, but in reality, not so much. I really should only count two of them as real romance. Both of those have sad endings. First one was that epic first love. He was who I thought I'd marry. The boy of my dreams. I loved him so much, but was afraid of getting hurt. I kept him at arms lenth for years. Then, he got married. It broke my heart to see him with someone else. I guess I thought he would fight for me and wait for me until I was ready. That didn't happen. I was the right one for him. I honestly believe that. His marriage hasn't worked out, but I can't love him the same way anymore. He didn't fight for me. I wasn't worth the effort then and I don't think I can ever really forgive that. Second love was everything I ever wanted, but couldn't have. I loved her with a firery passion. My world was so much more with her. It was one of those going in you knew wasn't going to work out. There was an age difference and a life difference. I was ready for the long haul and she was young and needed to be young. I was ok with that. I knew that love was on our side and that in the end we would be together. Unfortunely, time wasn't on my side. Fate stepped in and she isn't in this world any longer. I have so many regrets there. I'm a patient person and I thought time was going to be on our side. I didn't fight for us, and I wish with all my heart I would have. I will always have that regret. These are not fun love stories to share. I looked at the girl tonight and just told her that I didn't have any stories. That I didn't have anything to share. It makes me so sad to realize that that is the story of my life at the moment. Hopefully one day I will find someone to fall in love with again. Hopefully someday I will have a story to share with my friends. Hopefully I don't get asked that question for a very long time.

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