Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A New Blog Place For Me!

I have decided that it is time that I started blogging again. I was a frequent blogger on myspace, but have stopped blogging there. I really do enjoy sharing my random thoughts with the universe as it is. It is nice to get them out to no one and everyone. Anyway, I should start with a brief introduction to me. I'm a theatre addict! I am almost always in a show somewhere. It is my drug of choice. When not doing a show you can probably find me getting into trouble with my mildly flirty nature. I tend to find myself getting into situations that are messy for my friends. Oops is all I can say most of the time:-) I have a great group of friends that seem to roll with my outlandish behavior. I'm a hopeless romatic who believes in love at first sight and the power of forever. That being said, I'm very guarded with my heart and with my emotions. I'm difficult to really get to know, but easy to read. I'm an extremely physical person, but I keep in check to make other people comfortable around me. I'm an extreme liberal with my ideals, but extremely conservative when it comes to myself. Responsiblity is very important to me and I will always strive to keep my word to people. Once I agree to something I'm in for the long haul even if it's not really what I want to do. I'm a walking contradition and that's the way I like it!! Welcome to my new blog!!!

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