Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Flirt

I think I may flirt a little too much at times. I don't really notice it most of the time, but I did yesterday. I was one of those "Damn, I think I'm flirting" moments. I should have just rolled with it, but I made the mistake of saying to one of my friends that I thought I was flirting. He then preceded to describe me as a giant flirt with this whole list of people that I've apparently toyed with their feelings. Okay, that isn't really fair. Some of them I have done wrong. I admit that, but not as many as he was poor so and soing. He just kept naming names. Boys and girls that I have been the object of my attention. It is really hard for me see what I'm doing. I don't think most see that I am a really physical person. I try very hard to keep it in check, but I think it comes out mostly around my guy friends and they take it as flirting. I'm very anti physical contact with my girl friends because I don't want them to think I'm crossing some line with them that I'm not. It makes things a little tricky at times, but I thought I had it under control. I think that it is time for people to realize that I don't have any game and if I am really trying to hit on you it will be pathetic. If I'm really interested one of two equally pathetic things will happen. One, I will get clumsy. Dropping drinks. Running into things. Not remembering my balance and falling over. Two, pathetic puppy dog syndrome. I will follow you. do whatever you ask. Be the bestest friend one can be. Those are my terrible flirting methods. You have been warned!

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