Thursday, January 7, 2010


So I've learned the last couple of days that I suck at being on medication. There is no other way to describe me other than stoned. I have gotten more sleep in the last 48 hours than I have probably gotten in the last week. They make me sleepy and stupid. I also have crazy dreams that seem like reality. That's fun. People have been so fortunate that I haven't called at 4 o'clock in the morning because I wake and think that I have. hahaha! I have also managed to pop one of my stitches already. That's a good time. It was the one holding one of the holes closed so now I can see all of my meaty flesh. It's delightful:) Walking on stitches suck! It's like a knife to the foot everytime weight is applied to it. I'm totally gimpy now! I love being borderline crippled. I really should be more careful. I total took a pain pill and hopped in the car and was driving around. Oops. To make it sound even better it is nasty snowing out. Oops again. Oh, and let me up that again and say that I was totally texting while driving. Oops a third time:) I think my thinking might be a touch impaired. I might need a babysitter!

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