Monday, November 16, 2009


Sometimes we all need to take a break and put things in perspective. I was reading my friends blog just a few minutes ago and realized that I really just need to let some things go. Give it to God. Relax and trust that things will work out like they are supposed to. I put too much of everything upon myself and that isn't what I should do. I have amazing friends that are going through and have gone through so much more than I have. I whine and lament and I shouldn't. I should stop and realize how blessed I am. I have friends and family who love me. I have my health. I have the day ahead of me. I have love. I am lucky in so many ways. I don't always see what is staring at me, but today I'm trying. Things aren't as bad as they seem. Life will work itself out. I will figure out what is going on in my head. Most of what I stress about doesn't really matter in the long run. I have to focus on that and be happy with what I have. Right now. This moment.

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