Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm Not Crazy!!!

Guess who got a you're not crazy from the therapist today?!? I have to say that I'm pretty happy to be told that I'm not crazy. It brings a huge smile to my face! I'm the happiest I've been in ages. I think that going crazy let me release huge amounts of stuff that had been building for years. I'm taking crazy as a positive. I have let go of large amounts of guilt. I have become open with who I am. I know who is really a friend to me and who isn't. I got those things out of this experience. I also got the most important thing ever out of this experience, I got my faith in God! Yes, I have found my faith finally. I let God into my heart. I let Jesus into my heart. I have to say it feels good. I had to let go of my guilt before I could have a real relationship with God. If you believe that Jesus died for your sins then you can't hold him a distance to keep him away from your sin. God stepped in and saved my life. I know that with every fiber of my being. God had my niece call me at the exact moment that kept me from doing something drastic. God allowed me to have a friend that I loved enough to keep me safe. God works in funny ways. I think I have been hard headed for ages when it came to faith. I needed a scary God so that I could keep my guilt. Goodbye guilt! I have found my faith. I always knew that I needed a relationship with God to make me whole but I resisted it. Everything is so different now. I feel like a complete person. It really is a wonderful feeling:)

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