Monday, March 1, 2010

The Cookie

I made a promise. I will keep my promise. It is going to be hard. Give up the addiction cold turkey. I can do it. It is all I'm thinking about at the moment. That is odd because it usually doesn't consume my thoughts. I'm thinking it's like giving up chocolate chip cookies. If I decide one day that I'm not going to have chocolate chip cookies anymore I will sit and think about them. I will obsess about them. They start to consume my time. I just want a cookie. I don't need the cookie. I know that the cookie will go straight to my hips. I know that I'll hate myself if I have the cookie. But still, I want the cookie. I think I'm going to be craving the cookie for awhile. I think me giving up the cookie is going to be extremely difficult. I made a promise to someone that I would never ever consider betraying. I just need to constantly be reminded to stay away from the cookie.

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